Wednesday, February 11

Effing G!

I know I don't blog much, and most the time when I do it's either short or about tv. This one will be both. For years I've heard people talk about the show Freaks and Geeks, and rather than check out the show, I've confused it with Weird Science-- a show I saw a clip of long ago, and I never thought very much of the few minutes I can recall-- and went about my day happily.

Right now, I am a minute and 30 seconds into Season 1, Ep. 1 Freaks and Geeks-- and so pumped about the show. Why? Somehow James Franco!!!!!! and Jason Segel!!!!!!!!!!!! (how I met your mother; slackers; forgetting sarah marshall.....) are both leads. I think this is where they got their start. So freaking cool. I'll let you know how things go...

BTW-- huge props to Dave for getting us totally hooked on The Wire. I've barely watched any 'tv' for months, since nearly every night has been consumed by at least one episode of the wire. The other day we even canceled our own movie plans in favor of the wire--It's not like we were to0 lazy to leave the house-- we came home from dinner to watch! (I just thought about how Mark Twain refrained from exclamation points because he thought it represented laughing at your own joke.... hmmmm.... he would not have been a fan of this blog entry!!!)


sarahsookyung said...

I love it when people get obsessed with tv shows! props to you and jess! I'm staying away from new shows until I know it's safe.

The Owl Archimedes said...

Hey, also watching the Wire here in Iraq- but how many episodes did it take for you to get into it? My Wire buddy here and I thought the first episode was so boring!

That's really funny about the exclamation mark:)