Thursday, April 9

Parks and Rec

Parks and Rec. Gonna be a thick wall to bust through before I get remotely hooked on this show. I immediately don't care about any of the characters. By sandwiching it between two new offices, they were sending a clear message that their target audience was the audience of the office. I expected it to have a similar sense of humor. What I didn't expect was it to be a xerox of the exact same thing as the office. Except it's copied onto slightly less white paper than the pristine office. Maybe eggshell. And the paper's a lot more flimsy. Oh and like with most Xeroxes, there's a lot of new blemishes and fading.

This review is all from a first glance impression. To be honest I'm judging the book based on the cover and the first 12 minutes (it's on right now, and it's 8:42pm).

Someone thought this show was a good idea. So I wonder which template they were following... the Stewart/Colbert path, or as one show dies the other takes off (didn't have a good example but I know there's plenty). Is this an admission the office is on its last leg? Do the NBC Execs want it to pop off a kid that'll take over the store? OR.... Were they hoping the mentor and the mentee would run together the way Stewart and Colbert have essentially doubled the time and grew their audience on comedy central (or hulu). But they're failing if that's the plan. Colbert fit perfectly because it was the Yin to Stewart's Yang. Where as this show is just doubling up on the yang. If you're doubling my freaking yang, just make more Office!!!

1 comment:

Eric said...

in the first 4 seconds of the office, at 9pm, I was cracking up!

(self-comment, I know-- cool.)