Monday, June 8

Need a hobby

Over the next 2 1/2 months, I'll find myself with a lot of time. My work responsibilities will decline until my last day on June 26... From there I'll be a free man. Travels will include a family bike trip in Tahoe, a road trip from Boston to KC and back from KC to Pitt. Several trips
to DC including most likely one with a UHaul and lots of stuff. I'll be selling furniture and possibly buying some too. And I have plans for friends to visit and hopefully I'll visit some as well. Still... all this does not 2 1/2 months make (how profound).

With all this time I'll have before the big plunge, what should I do... One can only
plan to move for so long or work on wedding planning for so many hours. I'll be without my buddy and permanent companion for most of the weeks and some weekends next year- So too much traveling really defeats what I'm going to miss the most: endless time with Jess. Some ideas are: finish every NY times from now until the start of school (sounds awesome)... Read lots of books, work out like a stud. Is there more? Cook. What else? If you had the time, what
would you do? What will I wish I had done when I start school. Definitely seeing friends and family, because I already feel guilty for when I'm going to have to answer the phone and say I'd call people back in 2-3 days...humph.

I'll edit this post as I generate and revise ideas:
a)Watch the following movies:
watch every conan episode!
Indiana Jones trilogy with Jess
b)Read the following books and papers/mags/journals:
Washington D.C. Gore Vidal
c)Be able to do the following:
*25 pull-ups
*100 push-ups
*run 13.1 miles
*wall-squat 3 minutes
*pike 2 minutes
e)Go to: Planned: KC, San Fran/Tahoe, DC
Not planned, but planning on it: Chicago, Philly, NYC,
Not Planned but hey, it could happen: Denver, LA
Wish I could: Japan, Belgium, Paris, Portland/Seattle
f) in DC see: Brickskeller, Amsterdam falafel...
g) hiking sounds cool. Dave's been doing that a lot... Todd and Nithin might be hiking in Yosemite....
h) Play Braid


David said...

Find a Pittsburgh tour book and make sure you've hit everything worth seeing.

Play Braid.

Hm, that's all I can think of for now.

sarahsookyung said...

Watch every conan o'brien episode!

L said...

what is Braid?

also, plan new york and come! YAH!

L said...

one more thing...

have you seen this?

The Owl Archimedes said...

Wow, that's a lot of push-ups! I'm a very complacent pushup-er...10 is enough for me. How about learning Japanese because- well, besides the most obvious reason- for when you do go to Japan later. You can be the white guy that eavesdrops on unsuspecting locals' conversations about how exotic you are. Plus it's an awesome language.