Tuesday, March 31

Dessert Last

Thought and theory... if you wake up and watch tv, nothing will be interesting all morning except video. If you wake up and listen to a podcast, reading will be boring. But if you wake up and read, you'll have interesting things on your mind and even a lecturer may seem interesting. Makes sense, but not really sure if it's true-- I'm gonna test it out in the coming days. Are the meat of my mornings more interesting if I appetize myself with articles. How does watching The Daily Show while I get dressed affect my perception of the main components of my morning?

I thought of this when I came home from a run with Jess and went to reach for the apple cider. I needed both sugar and some water. But I needed more water than sugar. And right after a run water never tastes better. Unless, I worried, if you've just had delicious apple cider... so I went for the water first so I didn't screw up water's deliciousness...

1 comment:

The Owl Archimedes said...

interesting theory! Gonna have to try that tomorrow morning.

Happy belated birthday.