Wednesday, April 1

Stretching is torture

Running is being free. Weight lifting is a testosterone pumping challenge of brute force. Rarrrrrr!!! Stretching is torture. A mild form, sure. I'm not falsely confessing to crimes or anything.

Actually right now I'm feeling terrible, because over these last couple years the media have brought us lessons of what torture can actually entail. I shouldn't make light of torture, which is devastating just to imagine someone enduring. John McCain not being able to raise his arms above his head-- I don't know what specifically brought that to be, but my imagination runs to horrible places.

Well, when I was stretching, I thought, oh hey, I'm voluntarily pulling my arm to a place that's uncomfortable... Screeeeech. That's me pulling out of this metaphor.

1 comment:

The Owl Archimedes said...

As peaceful as a Simon & Garfunkel song, would you say? I'm listening to their tracks right now.

Ooh, I forgot how family-oriented the french can be too! Maybe it's just the Americans that aren't